Hi blog readers, who ever is left out there reading the daily blog.
Today there is just me. People had other things to do, work, kids, try and unglue from action man. I'm on my own. Now do I, a. push myself or b. just take it easy as there is no one to impress, catch up with or to be bullied by.
I chose option a. That's right, I am thinking to myself, I have one month left to try and jog the whole 5k in June, one month in which I need to improve my fitness level. So I pull oh my new jog pants, and my socks with bells on (don't ask) and go get ready for todays run.
So this morning I mapped out a new route. I was thinking of doing the route that Smarty pants did, 2.7 miles, but I decided against that, there's pushing yourself and there's being down right cruel. So instead I mapped out the route that Smarty Pants did a week ago. Just over 2 miles, 2.05 so it says on the MMR website. (I know guys, I texted you and said it was 2.4, I just got over excited that I actually ran 2 miles in under 30 minutes)
I was just so tempted to cut down Parkfield again, just jog 1.75 miles. As I was approaching the turnoff I just looked ahead, 'The next road is not far ahead Old Girl, just keep going' I was saying in my head. And as I passed that turnoff heading for the next one I could feel all you guys out there urging me on (even though you hadn't a clue where I was)
The MagpieHall lane turnoff came up pretty darn quick. In fact I was so focused I nearly missed it and would have kept going to the next one! I turned down there so glad that now I am facing in the right direction for home, so glad that I am heading in the direction of my comfy sofa, maybe a bit of muesli when I get home.
On through the park, feeling sure that I at least would probably be well with 40 mins, maybe even 35 mins jogging time.
Keep going, pass the play park, jog up to the gate, that's it, then sip some more water. It was hard going, the stitch threatening to slow me down each time, by nagging sisters advice about touching toes till its gone seems to work.
I nearly home now, nearly time to check the time, nearly time to collapse in a sweaty heap on my doorstep.
I couldn't believe my stopwatch it was reading 27:21:23 I just, came inside my house, collapsed on the sofa and almost cried! I am well pleased with that time. Well pleased indeed.
Tuesday, 18 May 2010
Tuesday, 9 September 2008
Just thought I would direct you to my new journal that I started a
week or so ago. Its much the same as this one, but with out the added inspiration of a fun run to keep me going. This is why its a struggle. See you in the next blog.
week or so ago. Its much the same as this one, but with out the added inspiration of a fun run to keep me going. This is why its a struggle. See you in the next blog.
Monday, 11 August 2008
Wednesday, 4 June 2008

Hello Everyone, what a glorious sunny Wednesday this is. What can I say, I feel good and if I must say I am looking good. And I am feeling healthier. The doctors were right. Don't take no notice of fad diets, its crap-a-roony. Healthy eating and exercise will help with those love handles. But believe me, I know it is hard. It has been a struggle, and it will remain a struggle to stay like this too. I still want to lose another couple of stone, oh by the way my weight now is 11 stone 13 and a half pound! Whoo hoo! And I still want to get fitter, girls you have no idea what goes through you mind when you re-claim your hips back!
I am not going to tell you how our jogging went, I want to tell you about the events that led to me going on this immense struggle. If you are a first time reader, and don't want to go to the very first post (but I don't see why not, just think of it as a novel......ok an epic novel, but just read a chapter at a time) nagging sister blackmailed me into doing the race for life, in aid of Cancer Research UK. Our mum has recently passed away through cancer, she died last November, after battling pancreatic cancer for only 5 months. Nagging sister had told me that she would be doing the race for life, and I promptly said to her 'Yeah good luck, I shall sponsor you' But nagging sister was having none of that, 'You are going to be joining me' she says. I just looked at my 13 stone frame and thought that there is no way this old girl will be jogging any 5kms anywhere. That's when nagging sister bought out the big guns, and placed the huge emotional blackmail card in front of me. 'But we are going to have mums face on our Tee-shirts' What could I say, but 'Ok I'm in'
The event took place on Sunday 1st June, 2008. I must admit, I really must thank nagging sister for making me do the run. It was a marvelous event, 7,500 women took part in our event. The day wasn't too hot or too cold, the crowds were cheering each and everyone taking part. There were tears and smiles and laughter and in our case singing as we took part. We entered as a team, twenty of us all, including children from 6 to 10 year olds. So I am going to admit it now, we didn't jog the whole 5km, in fact we hardly jogged at all. Because we entered as a team we all wanted to finish as a team, from the youngest 5 year old to the eldest 60 year old, (who in fact wore her high heeled shoes)
My sister done us proud. She had all the tee shirts printed up with a picture of our mum on the front, and we were all sporting pink foil wigs, mums favorite colour. We looked brilliant. We all stayed together on the walk around the City of London, and even the little 6 year old didn't flag too much. We crossed the finishing line as a pink haired team feeling emotional, proud, happy, tired but very very pleased that we were taking part in an event to raise money for this dreadful disease that claims so many lives, and is not indiscriminate who it touches.
So my blog reading friends enjoy the pictures that we took, I will continue my struggle with my keep fit regime, I may even start a new blog, (as soon as I get my new computer). but for now goodbye, watch this space, its been fabulous.
OI. Don't go yet, I haven't had my Word. Nagging Sister here, all these months of being abused and being called nagging sister is only half the storey. You should have heard the expletives some original swear words and the hand signals that I have had to endure and put up with whilst getting the old girl and new recruit fighting fit for the 'run'. What I haven't told them yet is that we are going to do the same run again next year but we will be running the whole way, with no children to hold us back, and I have found a 10km run that I am busy researching for the 'ladies' and I use that term loosely, for us all to enter. So I am looking forward to another years abuse and being called nagging sister. Goodbye all, and like my sister says, watch this space.
Monday, 19 May 2008
Monday Moaning!
Hi blog readers, Its Monday again, and I have no little fella to pick up from nursery but I still had to do the jog with nagging sister and new recruit this morning. I had some fantastic ideas of what I really wanted to do, and that was to stay in bed under the duvet and have a glorious lay in.
But before I tell you about today let me tell you all about our cycle ride on Wednesday 14th May. Nagging sister had managed to blag a bike for new recruit to come riding with us, no doubt she went into nag overdrive and convinced some poor mother to let her borrow her sons bike, 'Its for charity!' I can imagine her saying to the poor mother.'We need to get new recruit into shape for the run in two weeks or so' So the poor mother gave new recruit the bike to loan, new recruit has said that she hasn't been on a bike for years, and was just scowling and nagging sister hoping against hope that the poor mother wouldn't buckle under the relentless nagging, like so many of us have up to now.
We all arranged to meet at the pre arranged meeting point, but I was running a little late, what with taking kids to school and nursery, and then getting back to pick up my bike to ride to the meeting point, but when I got there much to my amusement was nagging sister and new recruit fiddling with the loaned bikes wheel.
'*******' Was all I heard from nagging sisters mouth, 'Why did I offer to pump up the tyre' She says, 'It only needed a little bit more air but I have let all the air out now, stupid bloomin bike pump' New recruit was just looking at her with an amused look on her face. 'Give it here' I said to nagging sister, but even I couldn't work out the stupid bike pump. So there we were, three girls, three bikes, two pumps, and no idea how to get air into the one flat tyre.
'There is only one thing for it' says nagging sister 'I am going to have to ride home, put my bike in the car and get the old fashioned pump out of the garage to see if that will do it' both me and new recruit didn't disagree with that, we just sat down as we waved her goodbye. But as with our luck that day, the rain came, OK it was only a couple of drops and not really enough to stop us going for our bike ride, but still there it was, the damp air, curling up my straight hair. While nagging sister was away we desperately tried to pump up the tyre, just to teach her a lesson about not being so helpful in future, but we couldn't. Then we saw a fellow cyclist and asked her if she had a pump and much to our delight she did! And it was the old fashioned type, you know the one with the little tubey bit at the end, and it did fit! Just as we were about to fix it, nagging sister rolled up in her car, with two pumps. Darn it, I so wanted it to be ready by the time she came back. But just as we were about to say bye to the fellow cyclist, nagging sister suggested she waits, just in case her pump didn't fit. Darn why didn't I think like that, too busy trying to get one up on sister probably, but you guessed it, nagging sisters didn't fit, and so the other lady stayed with us while we pumped up new recruits loaned bikes tyre. Our goodbyes said, and nagging sister just parking up her car and about to get her bike out of it, when new recruit noticed that the newly pumped up tyre, was now flat as a pancake again. 'See, see, it wasn't me that flattened it by being helpful, it has a puncture!!' By this time new recruit has vowed never to go riding again, and now time had run out for me to do the bike ride and get back in time to pick the little fella up from nursery. There was only one thing left to do, I go home, new recruit and nagging sister bung the flat tyred bike in the back on the car and go and take it to a MAN who can fix it.
But today's jog with nagging sister went rather well, we did her two mile stint around her block, the one that she takes new recruit on, of course nagging sister is telling me, again, how far new recruit gets to, so I had to pull out all the stops and try and beat new recruit and keep it beaten for ages, just to shut up nagging sister. We completed the two miles in about thirty minutes, which was very good for me, considering this morning, the only thoughts occupying my mind was staying in bed, under the duvet and drifting off to far and pleasant lands and activities. Sigh!
But before I tell you about today let me tell you all about our cycle ride on Wednesday 14th May. Nagging sister had managed to blag a bike for new recruit to come riding with us, no doubt she went into nag overdrive and convinced some poor mother to let her borrow her sons bike, 'Its for charity!' I can imagine her saying to the poor mother.'We need to get new recruit into shape for the run in two weeks or so' So the poor mother gave new recruit the bike to loan, new recruit has said that she hasn't been on a bike for years, and was just scowling and nagging sister hoping against hope that the poor mother wouldn't buckle under the relentless nagging, like so many of us have up to now.
We all arranged to meet at the pre arranged meeting point, but I was running a little late, what with taking kids to school and nursery, and then getting back to pick up my bike to ride to the meeting point, but when I got there much to my amusement was nagging sister and new recruit fiddling with the loaned bikes wheel.
'*******' Was all I heard from nagging sisters mouth, 'Why did I offer to pump up the tyre' She says, 'It only needed a little bit more air but I have let all the air out now, stupid bloomin bike pump' New recruit was just looking at her with an amused look on her face. 'Give it here' I said to nagging sister, but even I couldn't work out the stupid bike pump. So there we were, three girls, three bikes, two pumps, and no idea how to get air into the one flat tyre.
'There is only one thing for it' says nagging sister 'I am going to have to ride home, put my bike in the car and get the old fashioned pump out of the garage to see if that will do it' both me and new recruit didn't disagree with that, we just sat down as we waved her goodbye. But as with our luck that day, the rain came, OK it was only a couple of drops and not really enough to stop us going for our bike ride, but still there it was, the damp air, curling up my straight hair. While nagging sister was away we desperately tried to pump up the tyre, just to teach her a lesson about not being so helpful in future, but we couldn't. Then we saw a fellow cyclist and asked her if she had a pump and much to our delight she did! And it was the old fashioned type, you know the one with the little tubey bit at the end, and it did fit! Just as we were about to fix it, nagging sister rolled up in her car, with two pumps. Darn it, I so wanted it to be ready by the time she came back. But just as we were about to say bye to the fellow cyclist, nagging sister suggested she waits, just in case her pump didn't fit. Darn why didn't I think like that, too busy trying to get one up on sister probably, but you guessed it, nagging sisters didn't fit, and so the other lady stayed with us while we pumped up new recruits loaned bikes tyre. Our goodbyes said, and nagging sister just parking up her car and about to get her bike out of it, when new recruit noticed that the newly pumped up tyre, was now flat as a pancake again. 'See, see, it wasn't me that flattened it by being helpful, it has a puncture!!' By this time new recruit has vowed never to go riding again, and now time had run out for me to do the bike ride and get back in time to pick the little fella up from nursery. There was only one thing left to do, I go home, new recruit and nagging sister bung the flat tyred bike in the back on the car and go and take it to a MAN who can fix it.
But today's jog with nagging sister went rather well, we did her two mile stint around her block, the one that she takes new recruit on, of course nagging sister is telling me, again, how far new recruit gets to, so I had to pull out all the stops and try and beat new recruit and keep it beaten for ages, just to shut up nagging sister. We completed the two miles in about thirty minutes, which was very good for me, considering this morning, the only thoughts occupying my mind was staying in bed, under the duvet and drifting off to far and pleasant lands and activities. Sigh!
Monday, 12 May 2008
What a glorious Day????
Hi blog readers. Yes I am back on nagging sisters computer to let you all know about our progress.
Its a beautiful sunny day, it just makes you want to be out in the sunshine............but not jogging. Have you ever tried jogging in the heat, it's a killer. I thought jogging in the snow was awful, but I got over it, then I jogged in the rain, something I said I never would do because I don't want my hair to curl, but nagging sisters nagging was on top form and I was out in the rain. Roll on the sunshine I said to myself. Boy how naive am I. The heat just begs you to sit out in it and not knock your socks off running!
So there we are, nagging sister, new recruit and me, bottles of water in hand looking at the expanse of park that nagging sister has taken us to. 'This is where we are going to jog today, twice round the park' Both me and new recruit were almost delirious with the thought of going round once let alone twice. We were informed by a chap before that the path around the park is about 1.2 miles, over two miles nagging sister wants us to jog, in the heat!
We start off a nice leisurely pace, water bottles full, ice cooling our drinks for us, but still, that path, it looks so far. Gently jogging now and the banter is gently directed at nagging sister, oh it feels so good to have an understanding jogger with me, nagging sister just a head of us nagging! 'Come on ladies, pick up the pace, get that heart beat going' Both new recruit and me thought that we were doing well considering the heat, but nagging sister wasn't satisfied.
By the time we get half way round the first lap, my water was virtually gone, and the thought of doing another lap was so far from my mind. And what was making it worse was all the "profesional" joggers over taking us and looking as if they were out for a Sunday afternoon stroll. My face was set to explode it was so hot, the sweat pouring into my eyes making it difficult to see the next tree or changing room to jog to. I look across to naggng sister, not a drop of sweat from her, make up, lippy, masacara all perfectly painted on to her non red sweaty face. I felt so much better when I looked at new recruit. There was not a sound coming from her, just sweat running down her red face. Both of us looking at each other thinking 'Why on earth are we doing this' Then new recruit said 'I bet you mum is up there looking down on us right now saying, "why don't you just go and sponsor someone else instead"' Well that made us laugh and even gave us more energy to carry on jogging as we thought about our mum.
First lap finished, and the second lap looking like a japanse indurance game show round, nagging sister let us have two minuets rest. Two minutes! I want at least Two hours! This really does seem an impossible feat. But the Race for life is coming up, we still got to reach our target of three miles, and so I push my self out to start the second lap. At least the people we pass this time round will be the same and they will know that we are 'professional' joggers as we lap them on our second lap. I must admit, (but not to nagging sister) I felt good at doing the second lap, as last time round this park, new recruit and me sat in the car waiting for nagging sister to come back from her rain soaked second lap)
It felt so good to see the gate at the end of the second lap, carrying my empty water bottle, and now desperatly wanting the 'ladies rest room' 'Come on will sprint to the car from here' Says non sweaty beatifully made up, skinny non red faced nagging sister. What me and new recruit said was unprintable but I shall let your imaginations go to work.
But on the other hand my blog readers, the scales have finally started to tell me that I am doing something right, twelve stone and 4 pounds this morning! thats a loss of nine and three quater pounds loss, Yippee!
Its a beautiful sunny day, it just makes you want to be out in the sunshine............but not jogging. Have you ever tried jogging in the heat, it's a killer. I thought jogging in the snow was awful, but I got over it, then I jogged in the rain, something I said I never would do because I don't want my hair to curl, but nagging sisters nagging was on top form and I was out in the rain. Roll on the sunshine I said to myself. Boy how naive am I. The heat just begs you to sit out in it and not knock your socks off running!
So there we are, nagging sister, new recruit and me, bottles of water in hand looking at the expanse of park that nagging sister has taken us to. 'This is where we are going to jog today, twice round the park' Both me and new recruit were almost delirious with the thought of going round once let alone twice. We were informed by a chap before that the path around the park is about 1.2 miles, over two miles nagging sister wants us to jog, in the heat!
We start off a nice leisurely pace, water bottles full, ice cooling our drinks for us, but still, that path, it looks so far. Gently jogging now and the banter is gently directed at nagging sister, oh it feels so good to have an understanding jogger with me, nagging sister just a head of us nagging! 'Come on ladies, pick up the pace, get that heart beat going' Both new recruit and me thought that we were doing well considering the heat, but nagging sister wasn't satisfied.
By the time we get half way round the first lap, my water was virtually gone, and the thought of doing another lap was so far from my mind. And what was making it worse was all the "profesional" joggers over taking us and looking as if they were out for a Sunday afternoon stroll. My face was set to explode it was so hot, the sweat pouring into my eyes making it difficult to see the next tree or changing room to jog to. I look across to naggng sister, not a drop of sweat from her, make up, lippy, masacara all perfectly painted on to her non red sweaty face. I felt so much better when I looked at new recruit. There was not a sound coming from her, just sweat running down her red face. Both of us looking at each other thinking 'Why on earth are we doing this' Then new recruit said 'I bet you mum is up there looking down on us right now saying, "why don't you just go and sponsor someone else instead"' Well that made us laugh and even gave us more energy to carry on jogging as we thought about our mum.
First lap finished, and the second lap looking like a japanse indurance game show round, nagging sister let us have two minuets rest. Two minutes! I want at least Two hours! This really does seem an impossible feat. But the Race for life is coming up, we still got to reach our target of three miles, and so I push my self out to start the second lap. At least the people we pass this time round will be the same and they will know that we are 'professional' joggers as we lap them on our second lap. I must admit, (but not to nagging sister) I felt good at doing the second lap, as last time round this park, new recruit and me sat in the car waiting for nagging sister to come back from her rain soaked second lap)
It felt so good to see the gate at the end of the second lap, carrying my empty water bottle, and now desperatly wanting the 'ladies rest room' 'Come on will sprint to the car from here' Says non sweaty beatifully made up, skinny non red faced nagging sister. What me and new recruit said was unprintable but I shall let your imaginations go to work.
But on the other hand my blog readers, the scales have finally started to tell me that I am doing something right, twelve stone and 4 pounds this morning! thats a loss of nine and three quater pounds loss, Yippee!
Wednesday, 30 April 2008
Wet Wednesday
Ok, so at least I am managing to get to write my blog at least every week now, but I must admit, I havae been a bit lazy because of it. I know, I know, even the thought of nagging sister did not get me off my (diminishing) backside on Monday, and I am despratly trying to think why I didn't go jogging on the Monday, both nagging sister and new recruit are trying to help me remember, I blame old age now. This Tuesday I did go jogging, but not with nagging sister or new recruit, Have I impressed you all,...... well don't be, they both went earlier because I was waiting in for a very special parcel for the old man,......his fishing rod! But nagging sister thought of a way of getting me to go out jogging, and that was for her to come to me wait in for the parcel and litteraly kick me out of my house! I did not even have my joggers on, but nagging sister went into freefall nag mode until I reluctantly went up the stairs to get changed. In the mean time nagging sister was down in the kitchen putting her pie and mash on her plate and using my brand new table to sit at. 'Go on then' she says with her mouth full of pie, 'Get out and jog and don't be long'
Like the dutiful sister that I am I went out, full of........well I'm not sure, but i wasn't expecting to beat my personal best that day. I went off at a resonable pace and was quite pleased that I was out really, but i'm wouldn't say that to nagging sister, I managed to jog all the way to the ally bit passing the work men on the way, 'only me' today I said to the workmen, feeling very smug that they are thinking I am the fitter one of the three of us, I carried on to turn around lampost.
I must write this down before I forget (again) new recruit and I did as we were told last Thursday and did our jog to the new turnaround place, (the church) we managed to jog the whole way to the original turnaround lamppost in 7 minuts and something and the the new bit which is well, shall I say about 200 metres, and i'm not very good at judging lengths, but it would have taken nagging sister 3 minutes to do her self, but it took 7 minutes to get there and back! Ok confession over, I can't remember anything else, and I want to see my solicter before I do.
Today it is Wednesday, and it is wet, very wet. Nagging sister and I (I'm sure I did agree, but I can't remember) that if it is raining on the Wednesday when we want to go cycling then we will go jogging instead, its safer that way, and besides we can drag new recruit with us too. We decided to go the park and jog around the track, twice, according to nagging sister anyway, new recruit and I had other thoughts. The rain had stopped for a while when we arrived at the park so I was quite pleased about that, I just hate it when my hair curls up, and so I was once again pleased that I am out and ready to jog.
We started off at a nice pace and it was quite comfortable, but then I felt the rain start again, the way round looked a very long way indeed. 'New recruit got as far as that first brick building' says nagging sister. Blimey, it didn't take long before she started to wind us up, but me and new recruit know her game now and just smile at each other, and think about our Thursday leisurley stroll to the new turnaround point. It really does bring a smile to our faces.
But to get to the end of this blog, I need to get out of nagging sisters house now, we completed the first lap of the park, 'Come on girls' says nagging sister 'lets go for the second lap' Both me and new recruit said something uniintellgibly, grabbed nagging sisters car keys and sat in her car, encouraging nagging sister to go around again. I took note of the time that me and new recruit did the first lap in and it was 15:11.48, as we waved of nagging sister. Just as nagging sister reached the first brick building th rain came down heavier, and both me and new recruit just burst out laughing thinking of the makeup running down nagging sister face. Joy of joys, nagging sister was going to be looking a mess, and I was there to witness it.
I suppose we should pat her on the back for actually going out to finishining it. She got back to us, wet, red faced but the make up was not running down her face like it did yesterday, when she went out jogging yesterday with new recruit. No panda eyes, no looking like Alice Cooper, but she did look like a drown rat, just like me and new recruit. My hair was now curling up, and the face was still wet, puffy and red as was new recruits. But I think all three of us were pleased that we did it, even in the rain. Oh erm.... nagging sisters time was 28:48.
Like the dutiful sister that I am I went out, full of........well I'm not sure, but i wasn't expecting to beat my personal best that day. I went off at a resonable pace and was quite pleased that I was out really, but i'm wouldn't say that to nagging sister, I managed to jog all the way to the ally bit passing the work men on the way, 'only me' today I said to the workmen, feeling very smug that they are thinking I am the fitter one of the three of us, I carried on to turn around lampost.
I must write this down before I forget (again) new recruit and I did as we were told last Thursday and did our jog to the new turnaround place, (the church) we managed to jog the whole way to the original turnaround lamppost in 7 minuts and something and the the new bit which is well, shall I say about 200 metres, and i'm not very good at judging lengths, but it would have taken nagging sister 3 minutes to do her self, but it took 7 minutes to get there and back! Ok confession over, I can't remember anything else, and I want to see my solicter before I do.
Today it is Wednesday, and it is wet, very wet. Nagging sister and I (I'm sure I did agree, but I can't remember) that if it is raining on the Wednesday when we want to go cycling then we will go jogging instead, its safer that way, and besides we can drag new recruit with us too. We decided to go the park and jog around the track, twice, according to nagging sister anyway, new recruit and I had other thoughts. The rain had stopped for a while when we arrived at the park so I was quite pleased about that, I just hate it when my hair curls up, and so I was once again pleased that I am out and ready to jog.
We started off at a nice pace and it was quite comfortable, but then I felt the rain start again, the way round looked a very long way indeed. 'New recruit got as far as that first brick building' says nagging sister. Blimey, it didn't take long before she started to wind us up, but me and new recruit know her game now and just smile at each other, and think about our Thursday leisurley stroll to the new turnaround point. It really does bring a smile to our faces.
But to get to the end of this blog, I need to get out of nagging sisters house now, we completed the first lap of the park, 'Come on girls' says nagging sister 'lets go for the second lap' Both me and new recruit said something uniintellgibly, grabbed nagging sisters car keys and sat in her car, encouraging nagging sister to go around again. I took note of the time that me and new recruit did the first lap in and it was 15:11.48, as we waved of nagging sister. Just as nagging sister reached the first brick building th rain came down heavier, and both me and new recruit just burst out laughing thinking of the makeup running down nagging sister face. Joy of joys, nagging sister was going to be looking a mess, and I was there to witness it.
I suppose we should pat her on the back for actually going out to finishining it. She got back to us, wet, red faced but the make up was not running down her face like it did yesterday, when she went out jogging yesterday with new recruit. No panda eyes, no looking like Alice Cooper, but she did look like a drown rat, just like me and new recruit. My hair was now curling up, and the face was still wet, puffy and red as was new recruits. But I think all three of us were pleased that we did it, even in the rain. Oh erm.... nagging sisters time was 28:48.
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