Hello Everyone, what a glorious sunny Wednesday this is. What can I say, I feel good and if I must say I am looking good. And I am feeling healthier. The doctors were right. Don't take no notice of fad diets, its crap-a-roony. Healthy eating and exercise will help with those love handles. But believe me, I know it is hard. It has been a struggle, and it will remain a struggle to stay like this too. I still want to lose another couple of stone, oh by the way my weight now is 11 stone 13 and a half pound! Whoo hoo! And I still want to get fitter, girls you have no idea what goes through you mind when you re-claim your hips back!
I am not going to tell you how our jogging went, I want to tell you about the events that led to me going on this immense struggle. If you are a first time reader, and don't want to go to the very first post (but I don't see why not, just think of it as a novel......ok an epic novel, but just read a chapter at a time) nagging sister blackmailed me into doing the race for life, in aid of Cancer Research UK. Our mum has recently passed away through cancer, she died last November, after battling pancreatic cancer for only 5 months. Nagging sister had told me that she would be doing the race for life, and I promptly said to her 'Yeah good luck, I shall sponsor you' But nagging sister was having none of that, 'You are going to be joining me' she says. I just looked at my 13 stone frame and thought that there is no way this old girl will be jogging any 5kms anywhere. That's when nagging sister bought out the big guns, and placed the huge emotional blackmail card in front of me. 'But we are going to have mums face on our Tee-shirts' What could I say, but 'Ok I'm in'
The event took place on Sunday 1st June, 2008. I must admit, I really must thank nagging sister for making me do the run. It was a marvelous event, 7,500 women took part in our event. The day wasn't too hot or too cold, the crowds were cheering each and everyone taking part. There were tears and smiles and laughter and in our case singing as we took part. We entered as a team, twenty of us all, including children from 6 to 10 year olds. So I am going to admit it now, we didn't jog the whole 5km, in fact we hardly jogged at all. Because we entered as a team we all wanted to finish as a team, from the youngest 5 year old to the eldest 60 year old, (who in fact wore her high heeled shoes)
My sister done us proud. She had all the tee shirts printed up with a picture of our mum on the front, and we were all sporting pink foil wigs, mums favorite colour. We looked brilliant. We all stayed together on the walk around the City of London, and even the little 6 year old didn't flag too much. We crossed the finishing line as a pink haired team feeling emotional, proud, happy, tired but very very pleased that we were taking part in an event to raise money for this dreadful disease that claims so many lives, and is not indiscriminate who it touches.
So my blog reading friends enjoy the pictures that we took, I will continue my struggle with my keep fit regime, I may even start a new blog, (as soon as I get my new computer). but for now goodbye, watch this space, its been fabulous.
OI. Don't go yet, I haven't had my Word. Nagging Sister here, all these months of being abused and being called nagging sister is only half the storey. You should have heard the expletives some original swear words and the hand signals that I have had to endure and put up with whilst getting the old girl and new recruit fighting fit for the 'run'. What I haven't told them yet is that we are going to do the same run again next year but we will be running the whole way, with no children to hold us back, and I have found a 10km run that I am busy researching for the 'ladies' and I use that term loosely, for us all to enter. So I am looking forward to another years abuse and being called nagging sister. Goodbye all, and like my sister says, watch this space.
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